The following references from large projects are examples from the area of test automation, model-based testing and revision-proof reporting.
RapidRep is employable independent from your sector of industry. Each company that wants to test or evaluate business data can use RapidRep and save costs.

"For the test of our applications, realistic test data are of particular importance. Within a short time we were able to develop a solution concept based on RapidRep with the help of a FINARIS consultant, which extracts and changes data from up to 200 DB2 tables using rules and parameters and restores them as a copy to a target environment. Our specialist testers can thus generate test data independently at the touch of a button."
Bodo Eckwert
Head of Test Management and Systems (Market and Depot)
Union IT Services GmbH

"We have chosen the RapidRep Test and Reporting Suite as one of the tools in our toolbox to automate testing in many different projects. Started with a large system integration test covering multiple systems and data stages in the context of payments clearing and settlement (SEPA), we use the tool also in several BI and data warehouse projects.
Because of the sensitivity of our business processes, we appreciate the transparency of the rule based approach, which allows us to run a high number of test cases repeatedly with data from multiple systems and technologies.
The high degree of automation we could achieve with the RapidRep based functional regression tests is the perfect fit for some of our application and is part of our test strategy. RapidRep is one of our preferred solutions of our Radical Automation team."
Gerben Jansen
Radical Automation Team
Rabobank Nederland

"For the EBA stress test, our institution must report to the parent company detailed information on the impact of given shocks on net interest income (NII). We chose the RapidRep Reporting Suite because this software solution allows us to quickly and flexibly simulate our entire portfolio on an individual transaction level. In the management department we appreciate the transparent, rule-based processing and feel well prepared for the future."
Christian Schwind
Senior Vice President, Financial Controlling

"For anti-money laundering (ALM) transactions monitoring, we use a standard application whose interfaces get filled by a complex, self-developed ETL preprocessing. With the RapidRep Test and Reporting Suite from FINARIS, the existing ETL chain could be tested in a short time and the conformity of the interface delivery could be checked according to the technical specification. RapidRep convinced as a tool for agile testing with tight deadlines.
The rule-based test approach of RapidRep unites the technical and functional (business) description of the target results. The rules are transparent and clear for IT- and business department employees. Thus, the implemented test case logic corresponds exactly to our specifications and is at the same time precisely documented.
We are planning to use RapidRep for other testing projects."
DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale AdöR

“The correct filling of both the supervisory COREP reporting forms and the disclosure tables (Basel III, Pillar 3) is essential for our credit institution. To achieve this goal quickly and in a completely reliable way, we decided to use the RapidRep software from FINARIS. The RapidRep software allows us to perform automated tests, coupled with fault-finding at the touch of a button and transparent documentation as well as fully automated filling of disclosure tables, including corresponding validation.”
Jens Blien
Associate Director Finance / Regulatory Reporting
pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG